Jun 22, 2023
A Maserati symbol close-up

Image via Pixabay.

Your Maserati’s engine is a high-performance masterwork of engineering capable of generating enormous power. But so much horsepower also generates a great deal of heat, which is why a fully functioning cooling system is essential at all times. The radiator is key to an effective engine cooling system, so if you ever run into radiator trouble, visit your nearest Maserati dealership without delay for radiator repair. Here are a few warning signs to look out for. 

1. Leaking Coolant

Never ignore a brightly colored fluid dripping under your car. It might be leaking coolant. On rare occasions, it’s possible for coolant to leak from the radiator’s cap, gasket, or hoses. Any such leak needs to be fixed and repaired promptly before your engine begins to overheat. 

If you suspect a leak, you can check the coolant reservoir to see whether it’s cracked or the coolant level is unusually low. You might also notice strange stains on the engine parts where the leaking coolant has dripped and boiled away. 

2. Rusting Radiator

Whenever checking your coolant reservoir, always check the fluid’s color. It should ideally look clean and clear. If it looks dirty or degraded, you may have internal rust or corrosion inside your radiator. Any internal or external radiator rust needs to be cleaned before it causes real damage to the radiator’s structure. 

Flush Coolant at Your Local Maserati Dealer

You can have degraded coolant flushed at your local dealership. If there’s internal radiator rust, you might need to flush your coolant again a few months later. Fresh coolant has strong anti-rust properties which should quickly resolve the problem. 

Ordinarily, it’s best to have your coolant flushed every 30,000 miles of driving or so. Otherwise, the coolant’s various special properties will begin to fade. 

3. Clogged Radiator Fins

The external fins of a radiator need to be kept clean of dirt, mold, leaves, and other debris from the road. If allowed to become clogged up, your radiator won’t be able to dissipate heat as effectively and your engine may start to overheat. 

4. Malfunctioning Cabin Heater

During the radiator’s cooling process, heat is continually dissipated from the coolant. This expulsion of heat is used to heat the cabin of your car on chilly days. So if you notice your cabin heater failing to warm you up properly, you might have a faulty radiator. 

5. Overheating Engine

The clearest indicator of a failing radiator is an overheating engine. If your engine overheats, you’ll notice the temperature gauge on your instrument panel rising above 220 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Your engine might start making ticking noises, lose power, and release steam as the coolant boils. If you notice any of these issues, pull over at once and call a technician. When an overheating engine is used for more than a quarter of a mile, it can rapidly seize up and break down. 

Visit Jim Ellis Maserati to have your radiator inspected and repaired by experienced technicians. We’re a full-service dealership that offers top-notch customer service to equal the quality of the superior Maserati brand.